News - Cancionero - Twenty One Pilots: Lane Boy |-/

Como ven hoy les traigo una nueva canción de un dúo que ya les he mencionado en ocasiones anteriores: Twenty One Pilots. Está demás decir que es una de mis bandas favoritas (incluso la primer entrada que hice en el blog fue hablado de ellos) pero no vengo a hablarles de mi fanatismo sino de la nueva canción, como pueden ver en el título se llama Lane Boy y salió el vídeo musical recientemente y para ser más precisos el día 20 de Julio.

La canción pueden adquirirla en: iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Spotify y también pueden encontrar diferente mercancía en su tienda online. A continuación les dejo el vídeo esperando que les guste.  |-/

"Lane Boy"

They say, “stay in your lane boy, lane boy,”
But we go where we want to,
They think this thing is a highway, highway,
But will they be alive tomorrow?

They think this thing is a highway, if it was our way,
We’d have a tempo change every other time change,
‘Cause our mind’s changed on what we think is good,
I wasn't raised in the hood,
But I know a thing or two about pain and darkness,
If it wasn't for this music I don’t know how I would have fought this,
Regardless, all these songs I’m hearing are so heartless,
Don’t trust a perfect person and don’t trust a song that’s flawless,
Honest, there’s a few songs on this record that feel common,
I’m in constant confrontation with what I want and what is poppin’,
In the industry it seems to me that singles on the radio are currency,
My creativity’s only free when I’m playing shows.

They say, “stay in your lane boy, lane boy,”
But we go where we want to,
They think this thing is a highway, highway,
But will they be alive tomorrow?

I’m sorry if that question I asked last,
Scared you a bit like a hazmat in a gas mask,
If you ask Zack, he’s my brother, he likes when I rap fast,
But let’s backtrack, back to this,
Who would you live and die for on that list,
But the problem is, there’s another list that exists,
And no one really wants to think about this,
Forget sanity, forget salary,
Forget vanity, my morality,
If you get in between someone I love and me,
You’re gonna feel the heat of my cavalry,
All these songs I’m hearing are so heartless,
Don’t trust a perfect person and don’t trust a song that’s flawless.

They say, “stay in your lane boy, lane boy,”
But we go where we want to,
They think this thing is a highway, highway,
But will they be alive tomorrow?

2 Comentarios

  1. |-/
    de mis canciones favoritas del disco♥
    Estoy contando los días para verlos en Julio *-*

    1. ¡¡¡Ay que emoción!!! ~(*w*)~ Yo los veré cuando vengan a México en Septiembre. Disfruta del concierto.

      Besos ♥


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